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zenpacklib is a Python library that makes building common types of ZenPacks simpler, faster, more consistent, and more accurate.

Specifically zenpacklib allows all of the following to be described in YAML, and extended in Python only if necessary.

  • zProperties (a.k.a. Configuration Properties)
  • Device Classes
  • Monitoring Templates
  • New Device and Component Types
  • Relationships between Device and Component Types
  • Event Classes
  • Process Classes
  • Device Link Providers
  • Impact Triggers

It is this combination of declarative YAML and imperative Python extension that allows zenpacklib to make easy things easy and hard things possible.

Documentation for ZenPackLib can be found in the ZenPack Development Kit section.

Open Source

This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks. Click here to view all available Zenoss Open Source ZenPacks.


GNU General Public License, Version 2, or later


Version 2.1.5 Download

  • Released: 2024-07-04
  • Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud

Version 2.1.4 Download

  • Released: 2024-04-04
  • Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud

Older (non-ZenPack) Releases

Versions of ZenPackLib before 2.0 were a single Python file ( instead of a ZenPack. The following releases are of this file, not a ZenPack.

Version 1.1.2 Download

  • Released: 2016-11-03
  • Compatible with Zenoss 4.2 - 5.2.

Version 1.0.13 Download

  • Released: 2016-06-09
  • Comptible with Zenoss 4.2 - 5.2.