HP Proliant - Commercial
This ZenPack provides support for monitoring HP Proliant Servers (G6, G7, G8, G9, and G10), including blade servers with the HP Proliant c7000 Enclosure. Discovery and monitoring are performed using SNMP, iLO (XML/HTTP), and/or WBEM protocols depending on environment.
This ZenPack currently supports HP Proliant servers running Windows or Linux (with installed/configured HP SIM SNMP subagent), HP Enclosures (via SNMP) as well as iLO devices (via either iLO or SNMP) and VMWare ESXi (using HP custom ESXi with WBEM/CIM access configured).
It is important to note that not all features of this ZenPack are supported across all protocols, since each of them provides a part, but not all, of the total information used by the ZenPack. This limitation is based on the amount and quality information that is available from each of the supported protocol. What this means is that certain metrics for a given component type (such as a temperature sensor) may or may not be available depending on the type of device that is monitored and/or on the protocol used to collect that data.
The features added by this ZenPack can be summarized as follows. They are each detailed further below.
- Initial discovery and continual synchronization of relevant components
- Performance monitoring
- Event management and monitoring
- Command line utilities for troubleshooting and diagnostics
- Optional Service Impact with addition of Zenoss Service Dynamics product
This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Commercial ZenPacks are available to Zenoss commercial customers only. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks. Click here to view all available Zenoss Commercial ZenPacks.
This ZenPack is included with commercial versions of Zenoss and enterprise support for this ZenPack is provided to Zenoss customers with an active subscription.
Version 3.3.5 - Download
- Release on 2020/05/21
- Requires WBEM ZenPack, PythonCollector ZenPack, ZenPackLib ZenPack (>=2.0.6)
- Compatible with Zenoss 4.2.5-6.4.1 and Zenoss Cloud
Version 3.2.2 - Download
- Release on 2017/04/03
- Requires WBEM ZenPack, PythonCollector ZenPack
- Compatible with Zenoss Core 4.2.x, Zenoss Core 5.0.x, Zenoss Core 5.1.x, Zenoss Core 5.2.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 4.2.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 5.0.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 5.1.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 5.2.x
External Dependencies
This ZenPack relies on several protocols to achieve coverage of various aspects of the HP Proliant architecture. At the most basic level, SNMP should be configured so as to facilitate access to HP/Compaq MIBs (CPQSINFO-MIB, CPQRACK-MIB, etc) and the associated OIDs. Support on a bare metal install of Linux or Windows OS, for example, requires installation of HP SIM and its associated software components, including a SNMP subagent and associated configuration for its use with the OS SNMP agent. Configuration of these software components is covered by various documentation available from HP and is beyond the scope of this document.
SNMP is also supported natively by HP OnboardAdministrator (if available) and optionally by the iLO management interface.
As noted above, iLO management interface can be monitored (as a Zenoss device) via iLO protocol (essentially XML via HTTP) or SNMP (which can be enabled in the iLO GUI interface).
An additional important item to note is that the iLO management interface GUI requires that the associated server's FQDN and IP address be set manually. This ZenPack requires the configuration of FQDN(or hostname)/IP be set in order for Zenoss to create associations on its side between monitored Proliant servers and their associated iLO device in Zenoss.
Support for HP Proliant hardware running VMWare ESXi OS relies on a custom ESXi image available from HP. This custom image provides support for Proliant-specific monitoring and performance data that is not avaiable using the version of ESXi provided by VMWare. Additionally, WBEM support must be configured and enabled on the ESXi host.
The following components will be automatically discovered using either the SNMP, iLO, or WBEM related connection parameters you provide. The properties and relationships will be continually updated on Zenoss' normal remodeling interval which defaults to every 12 hours.
- Attributes: Firmware Version, Model, Part Number, Serial Number, Spare Part Number
- Relationships: Cooling Fan, Device Bay, Interconnect Bay, Onboard Administrator, Power Supply, Temp Sensor, HPTemperatureSensors, HPThermalSubsystem
- Attributes: BIOS Revision, Blade Device Link, Firmware Version, Part Number, Product ID, Service Tag, Slot Number, Spare Part Number
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: Location, Part Number, Present, Redundant, Spare Part Number
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: Product Name, Location, Part Number, Present, Serial Number, Spare Part Number, Switch Index
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: OAIndex, UUID, Bay Number, Part Number, Present, Redundant, Role, Serial Number, Spare Part Number, Enclosure Serial Number
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: Location, Threshold, Threshold Type
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: Total RAM, Product ID, Product, Server Name, Serial Number, Enclosure Manager Serial, Enclosure Manager Name, Enclosure Manager IP, Enclosure Manager URL
- Relationships: Processor, Cooling Fan, Logical Drive, Management Controller, Memory Slot, Network Interface, NIC, HPOSHypervisor, PCI Device, Physical Drive, Power Supply, System Board, Temp Sensor, RAID Controller, FC Adapter, FC Port
- Attributes: Description, Device ID
- Relationships: Chassis, FC Port
- Attributes: Description, Device ID, WWN, WWPN
- Relationships: Chassis, FC Adapter
- Attributes: Name, Type, Hot Plug, Location, Present, Redundant
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Model, Firmware Revision, Slot, Product Revision, Partner Slot, Serial Number, Daughter Board Type, HW Location, Number of Buses, Rebuild Priority, Expand Priority, Internal Ports, External Ports, Write Cache, Partner Serial Number, ROM Revision, Encryption
- Relationships: Chassis, Logical Drive, Physical Drive
- Attributes: Redundant, Capacity, Stripe Size
- Relationships: Chassis, RAID Controller
- Attributes: Firmware Version, Firmware Date, ipv4 Address, Active License Type, Model, Serial Number, Security Override Switch, url
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Module Number, Cpu Number, Frequency, Size, Type, Technology
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: AutoSense, Capabilities, Description, Full Duplex, Link Technology, MTU, Max Speed, Name, Port Number, Port Type, Speed
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: MAC Address, ID, Type, IP Address, Description
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Physical Slot, Board Name, Slot Type, Slot Width
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Capacity, Firmware, Model, Speed, Location, Manufacturer, productId, Serial Number
- Relationships: Chassis, RAID Controller
- Attributes: Part Number, Serial Number, Max Output, Present, sparePartNumber
- Relationships: Enclosure
- Attributes: Part Number, Serial Number, Max Output, Redundant, Present,
- Attributes: L1, L2, L3, Coprocessor Count, Coprocessor Speed, Coprocessor Type, Cores, HyperThread, Model, Socket, Speed, Stepping, Thread Count
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Product Name, ROM Version, Serial Number, TPM Module
- Relationships: Chassis
- Attributes: Location, Threshold, Threshold Type
- Relationships: Chassis
The following metrics will be collected every 5 minutes by default. The average statistic is collected, and the graphed value is per second for anything that resembles a rate.
HPFibreChannelAdapter: Metrics (WBEM):
HPFibreChannelPort: Metrics (SNMP): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition, cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus: Metrics (WBEM): FramesTooLong, EncodingDisparityErrors, RXBroadcastFrames, ErrorFrames, MulticastFramesTransmitted, LossOfSyncCounter, LinkFailures, LinkResetsReceived, BytesReceived, DumpedFrames, FramesTooShort, CRCErrors, PacketsReceived, PacketsTransmitted, LossOfSignalCounter, TXBroadcastFrames, DelimiterErrors, LinkResetsTransmitted, PrimitiveSeqProtocolErrCount, BytesTransmitted, AddressErrors, MulticastFramesReceived
HPChassis: Metrics (SNMP): status: Metrics (ILO): status: Metrics (WBEM): status
HPCoolingFan: Metrics (SNMP): status, speed: Metrics (ILO): status, speed: Metrics (WBEM): status, speed
HPDeviceBay: Metrics (SNMP): status, cpqRackServerBladeWattageAvg, cpqRackServerBladePOSTStatus, cpqRackServerBladePowered, condition
HPEnclosure: Metrics (SNMP): status
HPEnclosureCoolingFan: Metrics (SNMP): status
HPArrayController: Metrics (SNMP): cpqDaAccelBattery, cpqDaCntlrPerfCpuPercentBusy, cpqDaAccelWriteErrs, cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus, cpqDaAccelBadData, cpqDaCntlrBoardCondition, cpqDaAccelStatus, cpqDaAccelErrCode, cpqDaCntlrPerfAvgLatency, cpqDaAccelReadErrs, cpqDaCntlrCondition, cpqDaAccelCondition, cpqDaCntlrPerfCommandCount, cpqDaCntlrPartnerBoardStatus: Metrics (ILO): cpqDaAccelBattery, cpqDaCntlrCondition, cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus: Metrics (WBEM): cpqDaAccelBattery, CacheReadPercent, cpqDaAccelStatus, CacheParityReadErrors, CacheModuleTemperature, ControllerTemperature, CacheParityWriteErrors, cpqDaCntlrCondition, CacheWritePercent
HPLogicalDrive: Metrics (SNMP): status, sectorsRead, condition, driveWrite, driveRead, sectorsWrite: Metrics (ILO): condition: Metrics (WBEM): status
HPManagementController: Metrics (SNMP): status, cpqSm2CntlrBatteryStatus, interfaceStatus, cpqSm2CntlrPendingAlerts, cpqSm2NicCondition, cpqSm2CntlrVideoStatus, cpqSm2CntlrAlertStatus, cpqSm2CntlrKeyboardCableStatus, cpqSm2CntlrRemoteSessionStatus: Metrics (ILO): status: Metrics (WBEM): status
HPMemory: Metrics (SNMP): status, condition: Metrics (ILO): status: Metrics (WBEM): status
HPNetworkInterface: Metrics (WBEM): status, BytesReceived, PacketsReceived, PacketsTransmitted, InternalMACReceiveErrors, InternalMACTransmitErrors, BytesTransmitted
HPNetworkInterfaceController: Metrics (ILO): status
HPOnboardAdmin: Metrics (SNMP): status
HPPhysicalDrive: Metrics (SNMP): cpqDaPhyDrvHardWriteErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvDrqTimeouts, cpqDaPhyDrvHardwareErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvWrites, cpqDaPhyDrvOtherTimeouts, cpqDaPhyDrvFormatErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvBadTargetErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvCondition, cpqDaPhyDrvMediaErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvReads, status, cpqDaPhyDrvHardReadErrs, cpqDaPhyDrvNotReadyErrs: Metrics (ILO): status: Metrics (WBEM): MediaFailures, ReadOperations, HardwareErrors, SectorsWritten, SectorsRead, OtherTimeOuts, BadTargetErrors, WriteOperations, status, NotReadyErrors, HardReadErrors, DRQTimeOuts, FormatErrors, HardWriteErrors
HPPowerSubsystem: Metrics (SNMP): status, currentPowerSupply, condition
HPServerPowerSupply: Metrics (SNMP): status, currentPowerSupply, condition: Metrics (ILO): status
HPProcessor: Metrics (SNMP): status: Metrics (ILO): status: Metrics (WBEM): status
HPSystemBoard: Metrics (SNMP): hoursInService
HPTemperature: Metrics (SNMP): status, currentReading: Metrics (ILO): status, currentReading: Metrics (WBEM): status, currentReading
HPTemperatureSensor: Metrics (SNMP): status, currentReading
Event Management
Event managment is handled both actively and passively. Passively, this takes the form of SNMP traps, translations and correlations for which 516 notifications defined in the various HP/Compaq MIBs are included in the form of Event class instances with transforms.
Active Event managment revolves around the tracking of the numeric state indicators defined variously according to SNMP, ILO, or WBEM and mapped to corresponding Zenoss event severities.
Enclosure: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Device Bay: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqRackServerBladePOSTStatus is Other or Started or Completed: Clear Event (snmp): condition is Other or True: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqRackServerBladePOSTStatus is Failed: Warning Event (snmp): condition is False or Power Staged Off or Reboot: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed
Cooling Fan (Enclosure): Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Temp Sensor (Enclosure): Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed
Interconnect Bay: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Chassis: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Cooling Fan: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is OK: Clear Event (snmp): speed is Other or Normal: Clear Event (esx): speed is OK: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): speed is High: Warning Event (esx): speed is Degraded: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure: Critical Event (esx): speed is Major Failure
FC Adapter: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
FC Port: Clear Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus is Other or OK: Debug Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition is Not Connected: Debug Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus is Not Connected: Warning Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition is Shut Down or Loop Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus is Degraded or Loop Degraded: Error Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition is Loop Failed: Error Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus is Loop Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrCondition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqFcaHostCntlrStatus is Failed
RAID Controller: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBattery is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus is Other or OK or Disabled: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBadData is Other or None: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardCondition is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelStatus is Other or Invalid or Enabled: Clear Event (ilo): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelCondition is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrPartnerBoardStatus is Other or OK or Disabled: Debug Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBattery is Missing: Debug Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelStatus is Not Attached: Debug Event (ilo): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Not Installed: Info Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBattery is Recharging: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBattery is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus is Cable Fault or Failed: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBadData is Possible: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardCondition is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelStatus is Temporarily Disabled or Degraded or Read Cache Unmapped: Warning Event (ilo): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Degraded or Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelCondition is Degraded: Error Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelBattery is Failed or Capacitor Failed: Error Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelStatus is Permanently Disabled: Error Event (ilo): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Major Warning: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrBoardCondition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelStatus is Critical Failure: Critical Event (ilo): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrCondition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaAccelCondition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): cpqDaCntlrPartnerBoardStatus is Failed
Logical Drive: Clear Event (ilo): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Clear Event (ilo): condition is OK: Clear Event (snmp): condition is Other or OK: Warning Event (ilo): status is Unconfigured or Recovering or Ready For Rebuild or Rebuilding or Wrong Drive or Bad Connect or Over heating or Shutdown or Expanding or Not Available or Queued For Expansion or Multipath Access Degraded or Erasing or Predictive Spare Rebuild Ready or Rapid Parity Init In Progress or Rapid Parity Init Pending: Warning Event (snmp): status is Unconfigured or Recovering or Ready For Rebuild or Rebuilding or Wrong Drive or Bad Connect or Over heating or Shutdown or Expanding or Not Available or Queued For Expansion or Multipath Access Degraded or Erasing or Predictive Spare Rebuild Ready or Rapid Parity Init In Progress or Rapid Parity Init Pending: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure: Warning Event (snmp): condition is Degraded: Critical Event (ilo): status is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error: Critical Event (ilo): condition is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): condition is Failed
Management Controller: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or Online: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrBatteryStatus is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): interfaceStatus is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrPendingAlerts is Other or None: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrVideoStatus is Other or Enabled: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrAlertStatus is Other or Enabled: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrRemoteSessionStatus is Other or Inactive: Clear Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrKeyboardCableStatus is Other or Connected or Disconnected: Debug Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrVideoStatus is Disabled: Debug Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrAlertStatus is Disabled: Debug Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrRemoteSessionStatus is Active: Warning Event (snmp): status is No Data or Offline: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrBatteryStatus is Disconnected: Warning Event (snmp): interfaceStatus is Not Responding: Warning Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrPendingAlerts is Pending or Remaining: Critical Event (esx): status is Major failure: Critical Event (snmp): cpqSm2CntlrBatteryStatus is Failed
Memory Slot: Clear Event (ilo): status is Other or OK or Not Present or Good: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or Not Present or In Use or Spare: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK or Degraded: Clear Event (snmp): condition is Other or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Present or Added or Upgraded or Unmatched or Partial Use: Warning Event (ilo): status is Degraded or Degraded Module Index Unknown: Warning Event (snmp): status is Missing or Not Supported or Bad Configuration: Warning Event (snmp): condition is Degraded or Degraded Module Index Unknown: Error Event (snmp): status is Degraded
Network Interface: Clear Event (esx): status is OK or Degraded or MajorFailure
NIC: Clear Event (ilo): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Debug Event (ilo): status is Disabled: Debug Event (snmp): status is Unknown: Warning Event (ilo): status is Link Down: Warning Event (snmp): status is Link Down: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure: Error Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Non-recoverable Error: Critical Event (esx): status is Critical Failure
Onboard Administrator: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
PCI Device: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Physical Drive: Clear Event (ilo): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Clear Event (snmp): condition is Other or OK: Warning Event (ilo): status is Predictive Failure or Erasing or Erase Done or Erase Queued or SSD Wear Out or Degraded (Not Authenticated): Warning Event (snmp): status is Predictive Failure or Erasing or Erase Done or Erase Queued or SSD Wear Out or Degraded (Not Authenticated): Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure: Warning Event (snmp): condition is Degraded: Critical Event (ilo): status is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error: Critical Event (snmp): condition is Failed
Power Supply: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): condition is No Error: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): condition is General Failure or Bist Failure or Fan Failure or Temp Failure or Inter Lock Open or Eprom Failed or Vref Failed or Dac Failed or Ram Test Failed or Voltage Channel Failed or Orring Diode Failed or Brown Out or Give Up On Startup or Nvram Invalid or Calibration Table Invalid
Power Supply: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (snmp): condition is No Error: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): condition is General Failure or Bist Failure or Fan Failure or Temp Failure or Inter Lock Open or Eprom Failed or Vref Failed or Dac Failed or Ram Test Failed or Voltage Channel Failed or Orring Diode Failed or Brown Out or Give Up On Startup or Nvram Invalid or Calibration Table Invalid
Processor: Clear Event (ilo): status is OK: Clear Event (snmp): status is OK: Clear Event (esx): status is OK: Debug Event (ilo): status is Unknown: Debug Event (snmp): status is Unknown: Debug Event (esx): status is Unknown: Info Event (ilo): status is Disabled: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (ilo): status is Degraded: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Stopped: Critical Event (ilo): status is Failed: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Predictive Failure or Error
System Board: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK: Clear Event (esx): status is Unknown or OK: Info Event (snmp): status is Disabled: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Warning Event (esx): status is Degraded or Minor Failure or Error: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed: Critical Event (esx): status is Major Failure or Critical Failure or Non-recoverable Error
Temp Sensor: Clear Event (snmp): status is Other or OK or Not Installed: Warning Event (snmp): status is Degraded: Critical Event (snmp): status is Failed
Service Impact
When combined with the Zenoss Service Dynamics product, this ZenPack adds built-in service impact and root cause analysis capabilities for services running on HP Proliant. The service impact relationships shown in the diagram and described below are automatically added. These will be included in any services that contain one or more of the explicitly mentioned components.
Service Impact Relationships: Device impacts related Enclosure, Chassis: Enclosure impacts related Device Bay, Cooling Fan, Interconnect Bay, Power Subsystem, Temperature Sensor: Chassis impacts related Processor, Memory, System Board, Temperature Sensor, Cooling Fan, Power Supply, Management Controller, Network Interface, Onboard Administrator, PCI Device, Array Controller, Physical Drive, Logical Drive, Fibre Channel Adapter, Fibre Channel Controller: Fibre Channel Adapter impacts related Fibre Channel Port: Array Controller impacts related Logical Drive, Physical Drive: Device Bay impacts related Chassis: Managment Controller impacts related Device (iLO)
Data Collection
The HP Proliant ZenPack uses several methods to collect both model and performance data depending on the device types, which fall into 3 categories:
Onboard Administrator is HP's solution for hardware management and monitoring. It provides a SNMP interface that Zenoss uses to monitor both HP chassis and blade hardware as well as certain OS components with the OA agent installed and configured. SNMP access can also be configured for use with the iLO management interface (via the managment GUI) or with a bare metal install of Linux or Windows by installing HP SIM and related software (including its SNMP subagent)
Data from ILO devices is provided by a HTTPS interface listening on port 443. The zILOUserName, zILOPassword, zILOUseSSL, and zILOPort zProperties control access to ILO devices. The ILO interface accepts and returns XML-formatted query strings, and this ZenPack features a custom api definining these queries and their output formatting.
WBEM support is required for montitoring ESXi on HP Proliant hardware. The zWBEMUsername, zWBEMPassword, zWBEMPort, and zWBEMUseSSL zProperties control access to HP ESXi devices. Data collection relies on the WBEM ZenPack, and also uses a HTTP-based protocol (WBEM). HP provides custom-built ESXi ISOs that provide the HP WBEM software to the base ESXi image.
Endpoint configuration is beyond the scope of this document, but online resources are available at http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c04341228
Adding SNMP Onboard Administrator Device (Enclosure)
Use the following steps to start monitoring the Onboard Administrator using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to organizer Devices/Server/HP/OnboardAdministrator.
- Choose Add a Single Device from the add button
- Fill out the form:
- Name can be anything you want.
- Hostname or IP must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
- Click ADD.
Adding Linux SNMP or Windows (SNMP) Blade/Rack Device
Use the following steps to start monitoring Linux HP Proliant device using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to organizer Devices/Server/HP/Proliant.
- Choose Add a Single Device from the add button
- Fill out the form:
- Name can be anything you want.
- Hostname or IP must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
- Click ADD.
Adding ILO Device
Use the following steps to start monitoring a HP ILO device using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to organizer Devices/Server/HP/ILO.
- Choose Add a Single Device from the add button
- Fill out the form:
- Name can be anything you want.
- Hostname or IP must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
- Click ADD.
Adding ILO Device (SNMP)
Use the following steps to start monitoring a HP ILO device using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to organizer Devices/Server/HP/ILO/SNMP.
- Choose Add a Single Device from the add button
- Fill out the form:
- Name can be anything you want.
- Hostname or IP must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
- Click ADD.
Adding ESXi Device
Use the following steps to start monitoring a HP ILO device using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to organizer Devices/Server/VMware/ESXi/HP.
- Choose Add a Single Device from the add button
- Fill out the form:
- Name can be anything you want.
- Hostname or IP must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
- Click ADD.
Combining HP Proliant SNMP monitoring with existing Device Classes
Use the following steps to start monitoring a HP ILO device using the Zenoss web interface.
- Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
- Navigate to the desired organizer containing SNMP-monitorable devices, such as Devices/Server/Linux.
- Choose Details link above the Devices column
- Select the Modeler Plugins menu item
- Add the HP.snmp.HPSNMPModeler plugin to the list of Selected plugins
- Click Save
- Devices in this class should now model and monitor components as they are found
Command Line Tools
Several scripts are included for use with troubleshooting or sample data
collection. These scripts reside in the $ZENPACK/ZenPacks/zenoss/HP/Proliant/utilities
directory and calling --help
will display usage information for each.
performs several queries against ILO devices and saves output to individual filescollect-samples-wbem.sh
performs several queries against WBEM devices and saves output to individual fileshp-ilo-samples.py
execute given ILO command against remote target and save outputhp-wbem-dump.py
output list of valid WBEM classnames from ESXi targethp-wbem-query.py
execute WBEM query against remote ESXi targethp-wbem-smx-instances
perform exhaustive iteration of WBEM classes on remote ESXi target
Installed Items
Installing this ZenPack will add the following items to your Zenoss system.
Device Classes
- /Server/HP/OnboardAdministrator Enclosure monitoring
- /Server/HP/ILO: iLO device monitoring with iLO
- /Server/HP/ILO/SNMP: iLO device monitoring with SNMP
- /Server/VMware/ESXi/HP: ESXi monitoring with WBEM
- /Server/HP/Proliant: SNMP monitoring with HP MIBs
Configuration Properties
- zILOPort
- zILOUserName
- zILOPassword
- zILOCollectSamples
Modeler Plugins
- HP.snmp.HPEnclosureModele
- HP.snmp.HPSNMPModeler
- HP.ilo.HPILO3Modeler
- HP.wbem.HPWBEMPlugin
Datasource Types
- HP ILO Datasource
- HP WBEM Datasource
- SNMP Datasource (SNMP)
Monitoring Templates
- HPArrayControllerILO
- HPArrayControllerSNMP
- HPArrayControllerWBEM
- HPChassisILO
- HPChassisSNMP
- HPChassisWBEM
- HPCoolingFanILO
- HPCoolingFanSNMP
- HPCoolingFanWBEM
- HPDeviceBaySNMP
- HPDeviceSNMP
- HPEnclosureCoolingFanSNMP
- HPEnclosureSNMP
- HPFibreChannelAdapterWBEM
- HPFibreChannelPortSNMP
- HPFibreChannelPortWBEM
- HPLogicalDriveILO
- HPLogicalDriveSNMP
- HPLogicalDriveWBEM
- HPManagementControllerILO
- HPManagementControllerSNMP
- HPManagementControllerWBEM
- HPMemoryILO
- HPMemorySNMP
- HPMemoryWBEM
- HPNetworkInterfaceControllerILO
- HPNetworkInterfaceWBEM
- HPOnboardAdminSNMP
- HPPhysicalDriveILO
- HPPhysicalDriveSNMP
- HPPhysicalDriveWBEM
- HPPowerSubsystemSNMP
- HPProcessorILO
- HPProcessorSNMP
- HPProcessorWBEM
- HPServerPowerSupplyILO
- HPServerPowerSupplySNMP
- HPSystemBoardSNMP
- HPTemperatureILO
- HPTemperatureSNMP
- HPTemperatureSensorSNMP
- HPTemperatureWBEM
Component Types
- Enclosure (HPEnclosure)
- Chassis (HPChassis)
- Cooling Fan (HPCoolingFan)
- Device Bay (HPDeviceBay)
- Cooling Fan (HPEnclosureCoolingFan)
- Interconnect Bay (HPInterconnectBay)
- RAID Controller (HPArrayController)
- Logical Drive (HPLogicalDrive)
- Management Controller (HPManagementController)
- Memory Slot (HPMemory)
- Network Interface (HPNetworkInterface)
- NIC (HPNetworkInterfaceController)
- Onboard Administrator (HPOnboardAdmin)
- PCI Device (HPPCIDevice)
- Physical Drive (HPPhysicalDrive)
- Power Supply (HPPowerSubsystem)
- Power Supply (HPServerPowerSupply)
- Processor (HPProcessor)
- System Board (HPSystemBoard)
- Temp Sensor (HPTemperature)
- Temp Sensor (HPTemperatureSensor)
- FC Adapter (HPFibreChannelAdapter)
- FC Port (HPFibreChannelPort)
Event Classes
- /Status/HP
- /Perf/HP
Required Daemons
Type | Name |
Modeler | zenmodeler |
Performance Collector | zenpython |
zenperfsnmp |
The HP Proliant Zenpack can be upgraded. To upgrade the ZenPack, install the latest version over the existing one. There is no action for the user to migrate the data. The performance data and events of old ZenPack are retained as per the retain policy settings.
Known Issues
Known Issue when monitoring systems with Failover Onboard Administrators
In order to fully support monitoring a system with multiple onboard administrators the "enclosure ip mode" option must be enabled and the enclosure must be given a static ip address that is shared between the two onboard administrators. Failure to do so may cause monitoring to stop when the active onboard administrator goes offline.
Known Issue upgrading from 1.0 to 3.0
When upgrading from 1.0 to 3.0 you may see an issue related to catalogs. If you installed the zenpack from the ui the ui may complain that the zenpack install failed. Install the zenpack from the command line as a workaround. The observe messages similar to "WARNING zen.catalogservice: Detected catalog inconsistency - to repair, run: 'python /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.CatalogService-'" to finish the installation of this zenpack run the script as it suggests. then restart the zenoss instances.
Known issue regarding ilo unknown or N/A values
Ilo device modelling reuses the original snmp components of this zenpack. Because the ilo does not return exactly the same results as is available via snmp monitoring, there will be cases where some fields are always set to N/A or Unknown. This is a known issue and is not currently considered a defect.
Known issue regarding ilo monitoring
The servername variable needs to be set inside the ILO for this zenpack to work properly with ILO hardware. - For the ILO 4, please go into the ILO GUI under Administration -> Access Settings -> Under Access Options there is "Server Name" and update the name for the ILO server.
Known issue when removing ZenPack
Since this ZenPack depends on the PythonCollector ZenPack for some of its capabilities, the zenpython collector daemon should be stopped manually prior to uninstallation of this ZenPack in order to avoid a traceback error. The zenpython daemon can be restared again once uninstallation is complete.
- Make zenpack compatible with twisted 19.10.0 (ZPS-6981)
- Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.4.1, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.5.1
- Add log message to notify when "SERVER NAME" is blank in the iLO (ZPS-6128)
- Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.4.1, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.5.1
- Updated icons with dark-theme compatible versions
- ILO modeler timeout should follow zCollectorClientTimeout
- Fix exceptions in impact relationship providers
- Overhaul impact relationships
- Hide credentials from logging (ZPS-4338)
- Add support for ILO Gen 7 physical drives (ZPS-5274)
- Fix WBEM component metric duplication issue (ZPS-6132)
- Fix Error modeling Generation 9 iLO hardware when memory/swap info is missing (ZPS-3101)
- Ensure all NICs are discovered and monitored (ZPS-3645)
- Correct unrecognized "Good, In Use" status (ZPS-3737)
- Modeling should succeed when drive enclosure is absent (ZPS-3306)
- Update Physical Disk possible status values (ZPS-2946)
- Tested with Zenoss 5.3.3, Zenoss 6.2.0, and Zenoss Cloud
- Updated unit tests for build platform compatability (ZPS-29150, ZEN-28507)
- Ported to ZenPackLib 2.0: Extend support to G9 and G10 platforms (ZPS-2086)
- Add support for Fibre Channel Adapter and Port monitoring (ZPS-2086)
- Added scripts for debug and data collection of iLO and WBEM clients
- Revised monitoring template organziation and protocol dependency
- Added new HP WBEM Datasource and revised all WBEM templates
- Added multiple new metrics for WBEM monitoring
- New icons added for device and all component classes
- WBEM modeling and performance data collection completely revised
- Additional mappings for SNMP traps (ZPS-679)
- Fix bidirectional links on Device Status Page (ZPS-745, ZPS-2280)
- Fix various SNMP modeling tracebacks (ZPS-1621)
- Fix various issues during upgrade (ZPS-2088, ZPS-2256, ZPS-2257)
- Fix various ILO modeling issues (ZPS-)
- Fixed ILO and WBEM modeler plugins to better handle empty results
- Updated list of recognized XML status strings
- Updated ILO Protocol handler to address SSL certificate validation issue while preserving HTTP/1.1 compliance
- Updated XML parser to better handle invalid XML output
- Fix bad threshold datasource reference in HPArrayController template
- Corrected type of cycletime parameter
- Ensure all SNMP templates available to /Devices/Server/HP/ILO/SMNP
- Added "HP Chassis List" and "HP Device Bay List" reports (ported from HPBladeChassis community ZP)
- Update Impact documentation (ZEN-25324)
- Added "zILOCollectSamples" zProperty (raw modeler output storage)
- Updated zProperties (removed zProperty zILOSSLPort, replace with zILOUsesSSL and zILOPort)
- Adjust component labels and titles for DynamicView (ZEN-25248)
- Add ResetClassRelations migrate script (ZEN-25281)
- Sensible thresholds for Temperature graphs (ZEN-25260)
- More informative event logging (ZEN-24270)
- Ensure that ILODatasource, HPStatusThreshold, and GUI use shared reference data
- Updated graph datapoints and templates (ZEN-24886)
- Improved datasource/datapoint access methdos for status string retrieval (ZEN-24277)
- Fix traceback during WBEM modeling (ZEN-24786) updated and new unit testing to handle ILO datasource/modeler testing (ZEN-24810)
- Revised and simplified all string-to-integer status mapping code
- Added new ILOProtocolHandler ILO client (ZEN-25277)
- Added new ILOXMLParser for shared access to ILO output
- Added cross-reference functions to HPDevice and HPChassis (get_ilo, get_cpus, get_mem)
- Revised shared component attributes for consistency
- Remove/migrate code from utils.py and ErrorHandler.py
- Added ManagedObject base to contine shared component code
- deprecate ILO2 support (ZEN-22388)
- Rewrite of all modeler plugins
- Added HPPluginBase, HPSnmpPlugin to contain shared plugin code
- Prevent premature data collection termination (ZEN-24277)
- Add support for RAID controller monitoring via SNMP and ILO (ZEN-24211, ZEN-23388)
- Fix HPStatusThreshold issue causing data collection to stop (ZEN-23040)
- Improved handling of components with blank id (ZEN-22872, ZEN-22851, ZEN-21680)
- Updated zenpacklib.py to address modeler timeouts from attribute-indexed components
- Numerous enhancements and bugfixes
- Fixes ZEN-18151. HP.wbem.HPWBEMPlugin modeling traceback on tempStatus()
- Standardized commonly used code for converting RRD status to formatted string
- Standardized most component properties to those common between collection methods (some still outstanding)
- Standardized common datasource/datapoint names throughout templates
- Simplified customized classes to reduce duplication of function
- Removed duplicate property definitions with similar names but identical values
- Removed most component properties that should have been performance or status datasources
- Standardized unit testing for modeler plugins and class loading
- Folded deviceMap modeler plugins into component modeler plugins, removed device map plugins
- Added ZenPack class to remove all RRD templates upon ZP uninstall
- Changed Fan Speed to display status string (only ILO shows actual speed)
- SNMP modeler plugins are now appropriate for use wherever SNMP is supported
- Deprecated HPOSHypervisor and HPThermalSubsystem components
- Removed COMMAND datasource from HPLogicalDrive (used snmpindex_dct instead)
- Added ILO datasource queries for HPChassis, HPProcessor, HPManagementController, HPNetworkInterfaceController, and updated ILODatasource to accommodate
- Added "perfID" to ILO HPTemperature components to correct some missing datapoints
- Updated migrate methods to remove all templates before re-adding from YAML
- Removed "uptime" metric from HPSystemBoard since it duplicates the Device sysUptime datapoint
- Added several status indicators to HPManagementController component (SNMP)
- Re-based SNMP Device templates on /Server/Linux to ensure consistency
- Major rewrite of significant sections of the zenpack to use zenpacklib and remove obvious defects.
- Initial release.