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Cloudgenix Integration ZenPack


This integration is a subscription-based Professional Services engagement. Our Integration Services are offered as subscriptions in order to provide initial setup and ongoing compatibility and maintenance. All standard packages are renewable every 12 months from the date of purchase. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks.


Zenoss Inc.


Zenoss Inc.


Zenoss Inc.


Cloudgenix Integration ZenPack



Cloudgenix Integration ZenPack


This ZenPack adds Discovery, Modeling, and Monitoring for CloudGenix Network devices managed through the CloudGenix API and SNMP Polling of Network Devices.

SNMP Polling (using the SNMP connection information obtained from the CloudGenix API) is supported for the network devices is supported if connectivity exists between the collector and Device.

API Polling uses the same global API to monitor all devices, so should be available regardless of the network connectivity between Zenoss and the Network Devices.


Prerequisite Restriction
Product Zenoss 6.0 or higher
Required ZenPacks ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.Util >= 1.4.0 ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenPackLib >= 2.1.1
Other dependencies None



The API Endpoint for requests. The default ( likely will not need to be changed.

A static authentication token for API requests generated from CloudGenix.
The default Device Class under which to create Discovered Element Devices.
Whether to enable automatic device creation.
Whether to enable automatic device removal.
A Regex pattern for Element names to ignore during Discovery when creating Elements from the Tenant device.

Device Types


Tenants are the top-level object for companies in CloudGenix. The Zenoss Tenant object manages device discovery and monitoring for Tenant-wide objects.


Elements are the network devices that make up the network. Elements can be auto-discovered by the Tenant device and their SNMP configuration will be automatically configured from the API details.

Adding and Configuring Tenant Devices

Add a CloudGenix Tenant device in Zenoss under the /Network/CloudGenix/Tenant Device Class. The Hostname of the Tenant is unused, as all API polling is done through the zCloudGenixAPIBaseUrl endpoint. However, a valid hostname must still be used to pass validation to create the device.

Configure the zCloudGenixAPIKey and set the Tenant ID on the Device Overview page and model the device.

If multiple Tenants are to be monitored, a Tenant device for each will need to be created.



The following modeler plugins are provided for Tenant Devices.

    • Model the Site, LAN Subnet, WAN Network, Site WAN Link, and VPN Link components on theTenant via the API (‘wannetworks’, ‘lannetworks’, ‘waninterfaces’, and ‘topology’ resources)
    • Runs the device discovery, creates or removes Elements as controlled by zCloudGenixDeviceClass,zCloudGenixCreateDevices, and zCloudGenixRemoveDevices (via the API ‘elements’ resource)
    • If the Tenant ID for the Device is unset, this plugin will query the Tenant ID from the API(‘profile’ resource) and and set to the Tenant ID associated with the API Key. Note that modelingwould need to run again for the other plugins to pick up the change.
    • Model the applications on each site (via the API ‘appdefs’ and ‘sites’ resources).


In addition to out-of-the-box modelers that are automatically added, the following custom plugins are provided.

    • Models various properties of the Element device via the API (‘elements’ and ‘sites’ resources).–softwareVersion–modelName–siteName–description–role–title (name)–serial number–Automatically controlled Systems organizer
    • Models the Device Interfaces presented through the API ‘interfaces’ resource. (independent fromthough may duplicate data returned by SNMP polling).2
    • Retrieves SNMP configuration (community string) from the CloudGenix API ‘snmpagents’ resourceand applies it to the device in Zenoss.
  • zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap
    • Zenoss default plugin to model the “Interface” components via SNMP direct to the device.



  • Sites
    • Template: CloudGenixSiteStatus
      • Monitors the State of the Site components via the API ‘topology’ resource and raises Events ifnot Active
    • Template: CloudGenixSiteMetrics
      • Monitors metrics on the Site components via the API ‘metrics_monitor’ resource.
        • TCPFlowCount
        • TCPConcurrentFlows
        • UDPFlowCount
        • UDPConcurrentFlows
    • Template: CloudGenixSiteBandwidth
      • Monitor Site Bandwidth usage via the API ‘metrics_monitor’ resource.
        • DirectInternet
        • PrivateVPN
        • PrivateWAN
        • VPN
    • Template: CloudGenixSiteTopApps
      • Every 15 minutes, polls the Top 10 Applications from the ‘topn_monitor’ API resource foreach Site, and updates ComponentGroups containing these. Applications are polled for various intervals
        • Last Hour
        • Last Day
        • Last 7 Days
        • Last 30 Days
      • ComponentGroups are created in the format “/ComponentGroups/CloudGenix/<TenantId>/<siteId>/<intervalName>”
  • Links
    • Template: CloudGenixLinkStatus
      • Monitors the State of the Link via the API ‘topology’ resource and raises Events if not ‘up’.Links are ignored if they’re not in Admin Up state.
  • Applications
    • Template: CloudGenixApplication
      • Monitors the Bandwidth usage of the applications from each site via the API ‘metrics_monitor’resource.
  • Site WANs
    • Template: CloudGenixSiteWan3
      • Monitor Site Bandwidth Usage and Link Health of the SiteWAN Path via the API ‘met-rics_monitor’ resource.


  • Device
    • Template: Device
      • Monitors the Device State and Connected status via the API ‘elements’ resource. Raises Eventsif the state is not ‘bound’. Connected status is graphed for historical monitoring.
  • Element Interfaces
    • Template: ElementInterface
      • Monitors Interface State and Connected status via the API ‘status_interfaces’ resource. Raisesevents if the state is not ‘up’. Connected status is graphed for historical monitoring.
  • Interfaces
    • Built-in SNMP interface monitoring if SNMP interfaces have been modeled.


Discovery of CloudGenix Elements is provided by the plugin on the Tenant device.

The zProperties zCloudGenixCreateDevices and zCloudGenixRemoveDevices control whether to add or remove the devices automatically during modeling.

Events are created on the Tenant device in Zenoss for auditing new or removed Devices, using the eventClassKeys‘CloudGenixDeviceAdded’ and ‘CloudGenixDeviceRemoved’.

If Devices are removed from the CloudGenix Tenant, they will automatically be removed from Zenoss during modeling if zCloudGenixRemoveDevices is configured.

If a Device name matches the pattern in zCloudGenixDiscoveryIgnoreNames, it will be ignored when creating new devices.An example use is to avoid creating Zenoss devices for Elements that are provisioned but not fully deployed. Naming the device with the suffix ‘-spare’ and specifying to ignore with the same pattern.

API Versioning

This ZenPack will attempt to use the latest version of API resources that are available since earlier versions are notmaintained by backward compatibility. However, if the API response formats change then an error is to be expected and will require a ZenPack update.The API is bootstrapped by calling ‘/v2.0/api/permissions’ to get the published resource maps that are available in theversion associated with the Tenant.


  • Release 1.6.3
    • Fixes
      • Fix invalid exception logging in modeler plugin.
  • Release 1.6.2
    • Fixes
      • Gracefully handle ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND errors from the API during Elements modeling.
  • Release 1.6.1
    • Fixes
      • Don't remove existing SystemPaths when modeling Elements.
  • Release 1.6.0
    • Features
      • Dynamically build API Resource URIs from /v2.0/api/permissions maps.
  • Release 1.5.1
    • Fixes
      • Fix 'connected' datapoint polling in ElementInterfaceStatusPlugin
  • Release 1.5.0
    • Features
      • ComponentGroup Creation for Top 10 Applications per Site
    • Fixes
      • Fix Link Monitoring in LinkStatusPlugin
  • Release 1.4.0
    • Features
      • Update component Labels to better match CloudGenix
      • Remove LAN Monitoring Template
      • Add Site name to VPN Link title
      • Update Link components with relation to Sites
  • Release 1.3.0
    • Features
      • Model and Monitor LANs, WANs, and SiteWANs
  • Release 1.2.0
    • Features
      • Add zCloudGenixDiscoveryIgnoreNames zProperty for Discovery.
      • Add Site Bandwidth and Flow Monitoring
      • Ignore Links from Monitoring when not AdminUp
  • Release 1.1.1
    • Fixes
      • Fix Application metric monitoring by limiting size of requests.
      • Fix event classifications.
  • Release 1.1.0
    • Features
      • Add Application modeling and Monitoring
      • Add Link Status Monitoring
      • Skip devices that have not been provisioned to a site during Discovery
      • Add modeler plugin to automatically set the TenantID