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Cisco UCS Director


This ZenPack provides support for modeling the Impact Relationships of UCS Director, specifically Tenants, Virtual Datacenters, and VMWare Virtual Machines.

The features added by this ZenPack can be summarized as follows. They are each detailed further below.

  • Initial discovery and modeling of Tenants and vDCs.Event management.
  • Service impact and root cause analysis. (Requires Zenoss Service Dynamics)


This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Commercial ZenPacks are available to Zenoss commercial customers only. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks. Click here to view all available Zenoss Commercial ZenPacks.


This ZenPack is included with commercial versions of Zenoss and enterprise support for this ZenPack is provided to Zenoss customers with an active subscription.


Version 1.0.3 - Download

  • Released on 2024/05/14
  • Requires PythonCollector ZenPack, vSphere ZenPack
  • Compatible with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 5.x

Version 1.0.2 - Download

  • Released on 2015/08/14
  • Requires PythonCollector ZenPack, vSphere ZenPack
  • Compatible with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.x, Zenoss Resource Manager 5.x


The following components will be automatically discovered through the UCS-D connection info you provide. The properties and relationships will be continually maintained by periodically checking the UCS-D API.


  • Attributes: None
  • Relationships: Virtual Datacenters belong to a single Tenant

Virtual Data Centers (vDC)

  • Attributes: None
  • Relationships: Virtual Datacenters belong to a single Tenant and can contain many Virtual Machines.

Virtual Machine

  • Attributes: Corresponding VMWare VM
  • Relationships: Virtual Machines belong to a single vDC

Event Management

Events are created for success or failure while collecting information from the UCS-D host

Service Impact and Root Cause Analysis

When combined with the Zenoss Service Dynamics product, this ZenPack adds built-in service impact and root cause analysis capabilities for UCS topologies, including vSphere Virtual Machines.

Internal Impact Relationships

  • vDC failure impacts the parent Tenant
  • VM failure impacts the parent vDC

External Impact Relationships

  • vSphere VM failure impacts the related VM


Adding UCS Director Endpoint

Use the following steps to start monitoring UCS Director using the Zenoss web interface.

  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure page.
  2. Choose Add UCS Director Endpoint from the add device button.
  3. Fill out the form.
    • Name can be anything you want.
    • Port is the http port used to access the UCS Director Dashboard, probably 80.
    • API Key is the UCS Director admin API Key.
  4. Click ADD.

Installed Items

Installing this ZenPack will add the following items to your Zenoss system.

Configuration Properties

  • zCiscoUCSDHostname: Hostname of the UCS-D Instance
  • zCiscoUCSDAPIKey: Admin API Key for the UCS-D Instance
  • zCiscoUCSDPolicyTrigger: Service Impact Policy for Availability and Performance
  • zCiscoUCSDPort: HTTP port of the UCS-D instance
  • zCiscoUCSDRefresh: Defaults to 43200 seconds (12 hours)

Device Classes

  • /CiscoUCS/UCS-Director

Modeler Plugins

  • CiscoUCSDirector.Director



  • Make CiscoUCSDirector ZenPack compatible with Ubuntu-based CZ 7.2.0 (ZPS-8860)


  • Fixed a bug causing VMs with duplicate names to be ignored.


  • Fixed a bug preventing multiple Tenants from being modeled.


  • Initial release.