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Cisco UCS Central


This ZenPack provides support for monitoring the Cisco UCS Central Infrastructure via the Cisco UCS Central XML API.

Applications Monitored: Cisco UCS Central (1.3)


This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Commercial ZenPacks are available to Zenoss commercial customers only. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks. Click here to view all available Zenoss Commercial ZenPacks.


This ZenPack is included with commercial versions of Zenoss and enterprise support for this ZenPack is provided to Zenoss customers with an active subscription.


Version 1.3.4 - Download

  • Released on 2024/05/14
  • Requires PythonCollector ZenPack, Cisco UCS ZenPack
  • Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud

Version 1.3.3 - Download

  • Released on 2019/10/04
  • Requires PythonCollector ZenPack, Cisco UCS ZenPack
  • Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud


This ZenPack adds the following features to Zenoss.

  • Initial discovery and continual update of relevant components.
  • Event management. Integration of Cisco UCS Central faults into Zenoss event system.
  • Event subscription. Automatic updates for predefined components.


Model Diagram

The following components will be automatically discovered. The properties and relationships will be periodically remodeled to provide automatically up-to-date monitoring when the system configuration changes.

UCS Central Device

Cisco UCS Central Device

  • Properties: Name, UCS Distinguished Name (DN), Mode, Uptime, Available Servers, Polling Interval, Total Servers
  • Relationships: Domain Groups, UCS Domains, Servers, Global Service Profiles, Local Service Profiles, Global Service Profile Templates, Local Service Profile Templates

Domain Groups

Domain Groups

  • Properties: Name, Distinguished Name (DN), Description
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, UCS Domains, Servers, Global Service Profiles, Local Service Profiles

UCS Domains

UCS Domains

  • Properties: Name, Domain Group, Platform, UCS Management IP, Total Servers, Free Servers, Inventory Status, Last Refresh, Grace Period Used, Connection State, License State, Oper State, Suspend State, Version, Owner
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Domain Groups, Servers, Local Service Profiles



  • Properties: Name, UCS Manager Server, Server ID, Model, Oper State, Oper Power, Availability, Association, Operability
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Domain Groups, UCS Domains, Global Service Profiles, Local Service Profiles

Global Service Profiles

Global Service Profiles

  • Properties: Name, UCS Manager Global Service Profile, Assigned State, Associated State, Oper State, Config State
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Domain Groups, Servers, Global Service Profile Templates

Local Service Profiles

Local Service Profiles

  • Properties: Name, Distinguished Name (DN), Instantiation State, Oper State, Assigned State, Associated State, Config State, System Name, Description
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Domain Groups, UCS Domains, Servers, Local Service Profile Templates

Global Service Profile Templates

Global Service Profile Templates

  • Properties: Name, Distinguished Name (DN), Assigned State, Associated State, Config State
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Global Service Profiles

Local Service Profile Templates

Local Service Profile Templates

  • Properties: Name, Distinguished Name (DN), Instantiation State, Placement Count
  • Relationships: Cisco UCS Central Device, Local Service Profiles

Event Management

Cisco UCS Central Faults

Zenoss periodically polls the UCS Central for faults and creates Zenoss events when they occur. The UCS Central fault life-cycle closely matches that of a Zenoss event. This means that corresponding Zenoss events will automatically clear when their UCS Central fault counterparts clear.

Note: UCS Central fault events may reoccur in Zenoss if they're closed in Zenoss, but not cleared on the UCS Central. For this reason it is recommended that the UCS Central fault events are acknowledged in Zenoss instead of closed until they are actually resolved on the UCS Central system.

Note: Zenoss attempts to set the timestamp on fault events to the timestamp the UCS Central reported their occurrence instead of the time that Zenoss collected them. For this reason it is recommended that both your UCS Centrals and Zenoss servers keep accurate time.

The following fields will be populated for each event.

Standard Zenoss Event Fields

  • device: UCS Central device in the /Devices/CiscoUCS/UCS-Central device class.
  • component: Zenoss component related to the fault.
  • count: Occurrences or occur for the UCS Central fault.
  • eventKey: UCS Central distinguished name (DN) for the fault.
  • eventClassKey: cisco-ucsc-fault-code where code is the UCS Central fault code.
  • eventGroup: cisco-ucsc-faultInst.
  • summary: Description or descr for the UCS Central fault.
  • severity: Mapped from the UCS Central severity for the fault using the following table.
    • UCS Central cleared = Zenoss Clear
    • UCS Central info = Zenoss Info
    • UCS Central condition = Zenoss Info
    • UCS Central warning = Zenoss Warning
    • UCS Central minor = Zenoss Warning
    • UCS Central major = Zenoss Error
    • UCS Central critical = Zenoss Critical

The following additional fields and potentially more will also be populated for each event. These are the fields native to an Cisco UCS Central fault. If a fault occurs that has other fields, those fields will be added with the same cisco.ucsc prefix.

Additional Cisco UCS Central Fault Event Details

  • cisco.ucsc.ack
  • cisco.ucsc.cause
  • cisco.ucsc.code
  • cisco.ucsc.created
  • cisco.ucsc.descr
  • cisco.ucsc.dn
  • cisco.ucsc.highestSeverity
  • cisco.ucsc.lastTransition
  • cisco.ucsc.occur
  • cisco.ucsc.origSeverity
  • cisco.ucsc.prevSeverity
  • cisco.ucsc.rule
  • cisco.ucsc.severity
  • cisco.ucsc.srcDme
  • cisco.ucsc.tags
  • cisco.ucsc.type

Cisco UCS Central Event Subscription

Zenoss supports Event Subscription feature of Cisco UCS Central. It provides a possibility to add/remove/update Zenoss components basing on the incoming events from Cisco UCS Central.

The following components are affected by this feature:

  • UCS Domain
  • Global Service Profile
  • Local Service Profile
  • Global Service Profile Template
  • Local Service Profile Template

For UCS Domain component we accept updates only for the following attributes:

  • Connection State
  • Oper State

Please check Cisco UCS Central XML API for more details.


Adding a Cisco UCS Central Endpoint

Use the following steps to start monitoring a Cisco UCS Central using the Zenoss web interface.

  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure page.

    Add Menu Item

  2. Choose Add Cisco UCS Central Endpoint.. from the add device button.

  3. Fill out the form.

    Add Dialog

    • Hostname or IP Address must be resolvable and accessible from the collector server chosen in the Collector field.
    • Username and Password are the same as what you'd use to login the Cisco UCS Central's web interface.
    • Click ADD.

Alternatively you can use zenbatchload to add Cisco UCS Central Endpoints from the command line. To do this, you must create a file with contents similar to the following. Replace all values in angle brackets with your values minus the brackets. Multiple Cisco UCS Centrals can be added under the same /Devices/CiscoUCS/UCS-Central section.

my-ucsc setManageIp='', zCiscoUCSCentralUsername='admin', zCiscoUCSCentralPassword='changeme'

You can then load the devices(s) with the following command.

zenbatchload <filename>

Installed Items

Installing this ZenPack will add the following items to your Zenoss system.

Configuration Properties
  • zCiscoUCSCentralUsername: UCS Central username. Default is admin.
  • zCiscoUCSCentralPassword: UCS Central password. Default is blank.
  • zCiscoUCSCentralPort: UCS Central XML API TCP port. Defaults to 443.
  • zCiscoUCSCentralUseSSL: UCS Central XML API SSL. Default is true.

Device Classes

  • /Devices/CiscoUCS/UCS-Central

Modeler Plugins

  • zenoss.ucsc.CiscoUCSCentralInstanceMap


Name Type Plugin name
faults Cisco UCS Central Faults FaultsDataSourcePlugin
modelChangeEvent Python EventSubscribeDSPlugin

Event Classes

  • /Events/CiscoUCSCentral/Fault
  • /Events/CiscoUCSCentral/ModelChangeEvent

Event Class Mappings

  • /Events/CiscoUCSCentral/Fault/Cisco UCS Central Fault Default Mapping
  • /Events/CiscoUCSCentral/ModelChangeEvent/Cisco UCS Central Model Change Event Default Mapping



  • Make CiscoUCSCentral ZenPack compatible with Ubuntu-based CZ 7.2.0 (ZPS-8859)


  • Fix import errors in CiscoUCSCentral due to removed dependencies in CiscoUCS 3.0.2 (ZPS-6427)


  • Fix import errors from CiscoUCS 3.0.0. (ZPS-5865)


  • Add Cisco UCS Central to multi-device add wizard. (ZPS-1421)
  • Fix templates showing in service profiles list and vice versa. (ZPS-668)


  • Improved session handling with the UCS Central XML API. (ZEN-26322)


  • Show servers by type chart on overview. (ZEN-20849)


  • Remove unused "Software" from UCS Central view. (ZEN-18673)
  • Reduce number of UCS Central API sessions used. (ZEN-18959)
  • Add API support for launch-in-context from UCS Central UI.
  • Prevent adding duplicate UCS Central instance. (ZEN-19299)
  • Remove host firmware packages support. (ZEN-19890)
  • Add model number for servers. (ZEN-19893)
  • Add domain group column to domains grid. (ZEN-20186)
  • Combine service profile usages with service profiles. (ZEN-19891)
  • Updates to DynamicView support. (ZEN-20183)
  • Prevent adding invalid text as a UCS Central instance. (ZEN-20520)


  • Initial release.