This ZenPack adds Discovery, Modeling, and Monitoring for Meraki Network
devices managed through the Meraki Dashboard API and SNMP Polling.
SNMP Polling can be enabled for the Dashboard devices (using the SNMP
connection information provided for the Organization) and for the
Network Devices, if enabled on individual Devices and network
connectivity exists between the collector and Device.
API Polling uses the same global API to monitor all devices, so should
be available regardless of the network connectivity between Zenoss and
the Network Devices.
This integration is a subscription-based Professional Services
engagement. Our Integration Services are offered as subscriptions in
order to provide initial setup and ongoing compatibility and
maintenance. All standard packages are renewable every 12 months from
the date of purchase. Contact Zenoss to request more information
regarding this or any other ZenPacks.
This ZenPack uses several sources of data for modeling and monitoring
Meraki Devices. How these are used may differ between Dashboard and
Network Devices.
Meraki Dashboard REST API
The Dashboard REST API is used by both the Dashboard and Network Devices
for modeling and monitoring (see details in the modeler plugins and
configuration sections below).
Meraki SNMP Proxy
The Meraki SNMP proxy is a cloud service that aggregates data from the
Network Devices and provides it through a unified SNMP endpoint.
This endpoint is polled from both Dashboard (the
meraki.snmp.DashboardDevices modeler) and Network Devices (the
meraki.snmp.DeviceInterfaces modeler).
NOTE: The Network Devices pull their SNMP connection information from
the zMerakiSnmpHost and zSnmpCommunity properties on the associated
Dashboard Device.
Network Device SNMP
This is the traditional SNMP as used elsewhere in Zenoss, where the
Device's manageIp is polled directly via SNMP. Use of SNMP polling may
not be possible or practical depending on the network architecture. It
is expected that most use cases will not support this, but we include it
as a 'best effort' to try get as much data as possible from the devices.
The 'zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap' modeler is included by default.
Connection information is configured with the typical zProperties on the
Network Device ICMP
The Meraki Network Devices are configured with a customized Ping
monitor. Rather than monitoring the manageIp as typical with Zenoss
devices, this ZenPack instead monitors the IP address of each of the
Uplink components.
Configuration and Adding Dashboard Devices
Add a Meraki Dashboard device in Zenoss under the
/Network/Meraki/Dashboard Device Class. The hostname/IP for the device
is not used directly for modeling or polling, so can be set to any
unique value.
Each added Dashboard device monitors all Networks and Devices in a
single Meraki Organization. If multiple Organizations are to be
monitored, a Dashboard device will need to be added in Zenoss for each.
SNMP Proxy Polling Configuration
Due to the Meraki SNMP Proxy using the same IP for multiple
Organizations, each Dashboard will need to be configured for it's unique
SNMP settings (available in the Meraki Dashboard under Organization >
Settings > SNMP).
Configure zMerakiSnmpHost and zSnmpCommunity with the settings provided
for the Organization in the Meraki Configuration interface.
zMerakiSnmpHost also specifies the port to use, for example:
SNMP Polling from the Dashboard provides the following Components and
Monitoring on the Dashboard Device.
Meraki Devices
Num of Clients
Device Status
Additionally this information is used on the Meraki Devices to model and
Device Interfaces
Packet / Bytes Throughput
SNMP Traps Configuration
SNMP Trap translation is provided by the ZenPack. Configure the Devices
to send SNMP Traps to Zenoss to create Events.
API Configuration
Starting in version 3.3.0, these zProperties are pulled from the
corresponding Dashboard device for all end devices. The zProperties on
individual devices will be ignored. This is to support changing API
credentials, so that only the Dashboard device needs to be updated.
Configure the following zProperties to enable the API communication:
API Key for the monitoring user to use for API queries
The number of retries allowed if the Dashboar API rate-limiting
blocks a request. An increasing backoff is applied and the request
will be retried.
This property will be used as a minimum retry-after time in case
Meraki API doesn't sedn Retry-After time for 429 response.
In addition, the Organization ID will need to be set (editable on the
Device Overview page). If the ID is unknown, this can be left unset and
the '' modeling plugin will pull a list of the
Organizations the API user can access and display them on the Dashboard
Device Overview Page.
If manually adding end Devices (not using the built-in discovery) then
each Device will also need to be configured for the organizationId and
Device Serial Number.
HTTP Proxy Configuration
If use of an HTTP Proxy is required to communicate with the Meraki
Dashboard API, the following zProperties will be used.
(Optional) Hostname or IP of
the Proxy. If blank, no proxy will be configured.
TCP Port of the Proxy
(default: 80)
(Optional) Username for Basic Authentication
(Optional) Password for Basic Authentication
Dashboard Devices
The following modeler plugins are provided for Dashboard Devices.
Creates Device components for the Network Devices returned from
the Meraki SNMP Proxy.
Retrieves the list of Organizations that the configured API Key
can be used to access and displays on the Dashboard Device
Overview page. Note that only one Organization can be configured
on each Dashboard device in Zenoss (zMerakiOrganizationId). This
plugin allows auditing of the access provided to the user. In a
shared environment, care should be taken to ensure the user is
restricted to the proper Organizations.
Creates components for the Networks and Network Devices reported
by the Dashboard API. Upon modeling, this plugin will create
Devices in zMerakiDeviceClass corresponding to the Devices
reported in the Dashboard. Devices no longer reported via the
API will be removed. Networks that match
zMerakiNetworkNamesIgnore will be excluded from modeling (see
Discovery configuration section for more).
Network Devices
If SNMP is configured, this plugin creates and monitors network
interfaces on the Device.
Model and monitor the following Device properties via the API.
These are shown on the Device Overview page.
NOTE: 'name' is mapped to the Zenoss device Title - if the
device name is set in Meraki then this will override the
Title set on the device.
Model and monitor the Uplinks available on the Device via
the API. Models both Uplinks (physical links) and Cellular
Create Device Interface components as reported by the Meraki
SNMP Proxy. These are components polled from the SNMP
settings configured on the Dashboard Device.
There is also a 'speed' attribute on the DeviceInterface
components. This is a user-editable attribute provided for
convenience in tracking the available speed of links for use
in reporting, but must be manually set by the customer as
this information is not available in the Meraki API.
Dashboard Devices
Meraki Dashboard SNMP Proxy
merakiDevTemplate: Monitors the Device components on the
Dashboard device.
Device Status
Client Count
Network Devices
SNMP (direct to devices, if enabled)
zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap Modeler plugin can be enabled to model
and monitor Network Interfaces if direct SNMP polling is
Meraki Dashboard SNMP Proxy
merakiDevInterfaceTemplateMonitors the Device Interface
components from the Meraki SNMP Proxy. Note this uses the SNMP
connection settings from the associated Dashboard device.
Dashboard API
DeviceMonitors the Device status via the Dashboard API.
merakiDeviceLatencyThis template monitors Uplink components.
Latency and Loss metrics are monitored via the API. If no
metrics are reported for an Uplink, it is considered to be in an
invalid state and an event is created with the
'merakiUplinkLatency' eventClassKey.
merakiCellularUplink:Template specific for monitoring Cellular
Uplinks. Monitors Ping RTT (with ICMP as mentioned below),
Latency, Loss, Status, and 'signalStat' metrics (rsrp, rsrq)
from the API. The default template for Status Monitoring raises
an event for any Status other than 'Ready'.
Monitors Ping RTT with ICMP for Uplinks with an assigned IP
address. Note that this uses a custom monitor which ignores
zPingMonitorIgnore. Use zPythonPingMonitorIgnore to disable Ping
monitoring instead.
Discovery of Meraki Network Devices is provided by the plugin on the Dashboard device.
The following zProperties control the Discovery behavior:
Device Class in Zenoss in which new Devices discovered from
Meraki will be added. The default will work
(/Network/Meraki/Device), but it is recommended to create a
custom sub-class if monitoring templates will be customized.
A list of mappings of device Model prefix to Device Class for
newly discovered Devices. These model-specific mappings override
the zMerakiDeviceClass default.
Whether to create new Meraki Network Devices that are discoverd
through the Dashboard API by the
modeler plugin.
Whether to remove Meraki Network Devices that are no longer
reported by the Dashboard API.
If set, don't add the device's Lan IP address to the newly
created device. This will leave the manageIp unset, so SNMP and
ICMP modeling/monitoring will be unavailable, but API monitoring
will still function. Useful for networks where network space may
overlap and IP address conflicts would exist.
When modeling Networks from the Dashboard, any Network Names
that match a regex provided in this zProperty will not be
modeled. Any devices in these Networks will also be excluded.
The default Production
State to assign to created devices. NOTE: This is NOT
automatically updated after creation, if devices are created
with a non-production state, it will require a separate workflow
to update these to production.
The amount of time
(seconds) that HTTP Agent will wait for the peer to accept a
The maximum number of
cached persistent connections for a host. Need to be set only at
the /Network/Meraki device class.
Number of seconds a cached
persistent connection will stay open before disconnecting. Need
to be set only at the /Network/Meraki device class.
The amount of time
(seconds) that Client will store cached data. It is recommended
to set it the same for all devices belong to a single
Note: in order to apply new zMerakiClientCacheTTL,
zMerakiAgentPoolMaxPersistentConnections and
zMerakiAgentPoolCachedConnectionTimeout values, zenpython service need
to be restarted.
The Device Class used for new Devices is controlled with
zMerakiDeviceClass and zMerakiDeviceClassMapping. If the Products Model
matches a prefix specified in zMerakiDeviceClassMapping, the
corresponding Device Class will be used. If a matching prefix is not
found, the class in zMerakiDeviceClass will be used.
For example, the following entry will place MS-120-8 Devices in
Events are created on the Dashboard device in Zenoss for auditing new or
removed Devices, using the eventClassKeys 'MerakiDeviceAdded' and
These Devices will then perform SNMP polling (if configured) and their
own API modeling and monitoring (against the same Dashboard API).
If Devices are removed from the Meraki Network, they will automatically
be removed from Zenoss during modeling (unless disabled with
Scaling Issues
The Meraki Dashboard API enforces a rate limit of 5 requests per second.
To handle this limitation, requests from Zenoss are deduplicated and
cached as appropriate to minimize the total number of requests. Where
available, requests for device aggregated data are used to avoid a
separate requests per Device.
The update to the Dashboard v1 API reduces the total number of requests
needed to gather information, as endpoints now aggregate data from
multiple devices. However especially large Meraki organizations may
still encounter issues, or if there are other systems also using the API
that consume the available requests (which are enforced on a
per-organization basis, so any user will count toward this rate
It may be necessary to reduce the cycleTime of template datasources if
ongoing issues are noticed (events will be raised warning of the
Example Configuration - Monitoring the Cisco DevNet Sandbox
This configuration monitors the 'Meraki Always On' Sandbox Lab provided
at (The following credentials may
change, login to confirm the current settings).
Add a Dashboard Device under /Network/Meraki/Dashboard.
Since this lab does not have SNMP support, the IP or hostname
used does not matter.
New Devices should be available under /Network/Meraki/Device, and
should appear in the System Organizer 'Meraki'.
Model the new Devices - again SNMP is disabled so we'll only have
Uplink components for monitoring.
Common Troubleshooting Tips
SNMP Agent Down Events
The Meraki Device classes include zenoss.snmp.DeviceMap and
zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap by default. If the Devices are not
reachable from the collector, for example, when monitoring
remote branches, these plugins can be disabled.
SNMP Timeout Errors
The Meraki SNMP proxy may occasionally timeout - increasing
zSnmpTimeout can help.
Dashboard SNMP issues
SNMP polling on dashboards uses a custom zProperty. Make sure to
setup the zProps as detailed under "SNMP Proxy Polling Configuration" above.
Add setProductKet to modeler
Client requests for NetworkDevices and DeviceUplinks collect
paginated results.
Reduce the occurrence and fix the event message for Intermittent
Twisted Connection Lost Errors / Events
Updated twisted client to use HTTP Connection Pool
Added client cache and agent timeouts to configurations
Added a millisecond wait before returning Client cache
Remove default Device SNMP sysUpTime template for Dashboard
Some devices mapped to wrong Network in Systems organizers
Fix DeviceUplinks modeler skipped when Organization has no
Uplinks on any devices.
Fix some requests caching to invalid Url, effectively skipping
Fix DeviceUplinks modeler processing skipped if no Device
Increase internal response cache from 180 Seconds to 290 seconds
(just under 5 minute cycle).
DeviceUplinks modeler previously would not update if there were
no components, leaving any prior found components (especially an
issue on Switch and Access Point devices which don't have
Uplinks in Dashboard API v1).
Remove Latency and Loss monitoring from Cellular components -
data not provided in API
Pull API connection details from Dashboard device, not end
API Client queueing update - previously API Requests from all
Organizations shared the same queue, giving larger organizations
more access since more devices added more tasks to the same
queue. Now ensure equal access for all organizations to minimize
the impact of a single large organization with failing requests
blocking the queue with retries.
Fix traceback in MerakiUplinkStatusDataSourcePlugin when missing
Uplink data.
Enable merakiUplinkStatus status monitoring template for
'Uplink' components
Add the /Network/Meraki/Device/Teleworker device class for Z
series Gateways (the new default mapping adds
'Z:/Network/Meraki/Device/Teleworker' but will not affect
existing installs).
Fix tracebacks in Cellular Uplink monitoring when missing some
fields in API.
Remove Ping monitoring from Cellular Uplinks by default (the
merakiPingStatus template can be added where needed).
Add zMerakiNetworkNamesIgnore to ignore Networks by Names
Add 'Cellular Uplink' components and monitoring.
Fix missing pagination in requests leading to missing components
/ monitoring.
Switch to Dashboard API v1 endpoints
Remove 'networkType' modeled attribute, no longer present in API
Default Device ID no longer includes network name as device may
be moved between networks.
Missing 'devMac' causes a traceback in modeler
MerakiUplinkLatencyDataSourcePlugin - separate events for
missing datapoints and polling issues.
Fix "NotFound is not defined" error when running jobs
Index devices on creation to add to Catalog
Add 'speed' attribute to Device Interface components for manual
The Device Interfaces component is moved from the Dashboard
Devices to the Network Devices. Note that existing components on
the Dashboards may remain in place to preserve historical data.
However, these will no longer be modeled or monitored, so they
will need to be manually deleted if the data is no longer
Move Device Status event to /Status/Meraki/Device since events
in /Status/Ping disable monitoring.
Move Device Status event to /Status/Ping to provide availability
for reporting.
Add missing eventClass mappings causing events in /Unknown class
Allow editing CycleTime in datasources.
Include snmpindex in component details to be accessible through
the API
add zMerakiSkipDeviceIps to allow creating devices without
Update UplinkStatus monitoring to not use a separate API call,
rather derive from Latency monitoring status.
Add HTTP Proxy support
Improved logging details for missing 'lanIp' on devices.
Add migration to rebuild device relations.
Remove port from zMerakiSnmpHost default - use zSnmpPort instead
'Ready' is a valid status for merakiUplinkStatus
Relationship for MerakiDevInterface to MerakiDevice
Add zMerakiSnmpHost to override SNMP connection IP to connect to
Meraki proxy.
Now requires ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.Util >= 1.7.0
Add Uplink Ping Monitoring DataSource
Model Meraki Device Name in
Now requires ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.Util >= 1.3.0
Disable Ping based monitoring by default, use device status from
Meraki API.
Split DeviceClasses based on zMerakiDeviceClassMapping
Fix catalog load to create missing index.
Remove the zMerakiOrganizationId zProperty, replace with a
Device property and add to the Device Overview page.
Discovery no longer depends on Device ID so that Devices can be
created manually or the ID changed.
Use the Device Name from the Meraki API for Device Title
Update Device and Uplink Status Templates to set Event Class and