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Version 2.1

Release 2.1.5


  • Fix monitoring templates representation in infrastructure view for devices created using ZPL that have -addition templates (ZPS-8945)
  • Fix ZenpackLib-based ZenPack removal when the expected suborganizer doesn't exist (ZPS-8863)

Release 2.1.4


  • Fix dependencies, dynamic view and impact relations for multi-YAML ZenPacks (ZPS-8835)

Release 2.1.3


  • Improve and correct ZenPackLib the -replacement and -addition templates handling (ZPS-8617)
  • Improve ZenPackLib efficiency during loading multiple YAML files (ZPS-8777)

Release 2.1.2


  • Allow Class.filter_hide_from option to also work for contained components (ZPS-5107)

Release 2.1.1


  • Fix infinite recursion in yaml_load when no yaml files present (ZPS-3880)
  • Update default value of threshold’s escalationCount in the documentation (ZPS-4031)
  • Ensure device class removal during various upgrade scenarios (ZPS-3906)
  • Correct links from ZPL-provided renderers to honor the CSE_VIRTUAL_ROOT (ZEN-30544)

Release 2.1.0


  • Support additional GraphPoint subclasses (ZPS-855)
  • EventClassInstance, OSProcessClass now support zProperties (ZPS-3636)
  • EventClass, OSProcessOrganizer now support zProperties (ZPS-3189, ZPS-3190)
  • Add “optional” field for thresholds (ZPS-1666)
  • Add support for ZProperty “label” and “description” fields (ZPS-747)


  • Support Graph “description” attribute (ZPS-3696)
  • Support ABSOLUTE RRD type (ZPS-1733)
  • All organizer classes respect the “create”, “remove”, and “reset” attributes (ZPS-810)
  • Refactor unit tests to avoid build issues (ZPS-3035)
  • Fix invalid RRD datapoint types (ZPS-1734)
  • Update documentation for datapoint description (ZPS-1971)

Version 2.0

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • Any installed ZenPacks using older versions of will continue to function unchanged.

  • Using version 2 is slightly different. The file import statements should now contain the following:

    from ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenPackLib import zenpacklib
    CFG = zenpacklib.load_yaml()
    # Startup time can be improved by specifying explicit path.
    # CFG = zenpacklib.load_yaml([os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), “zenpack.yaml”)])
    schema = CFG.zenpack_module.schema
  • zProperties will not be updated automatically on existing device classes. These should be handled on a case basis by using migrate scripts.

Release 2.0.9


  • Fix incorrect removal of organizers such as /Status event class (ZPS-2660)

Release 2.0.8


  • Improve component grid loading performance. (ZPS-2033)
  • Fix potential POSKeyError when modeling devices. (ZPS-2371)
  • Improved support for multi-line text in YAML (ZPS-444)
  • Improved component path reporters for mixin platform proxy classes (ZPS-1262)
  • Fix zenpacklib.TestCase when Impact >= 5.2.2 is installed (ZPS-2011)

Release 2.0.7


  • Fix all the zenpacklib dump options. (ZPS-1601)
  • Implement template replacement and addition on device level. (ZPS-1704)

Release 2.0.6


  • Fix mishandling of 0/clear severity (ZPS-1454)
  • Fix attempts to load non-YAML files (ZPS-1483)
  • Use appropriate sequence for graph points (ZPS-1361)
  • Fix GUI ZenPack export of objects.xml (ZPS-1589)
  • Fix datapoint alias shorthand export handling (ZPS-1589)

Release 2.0.5


  • Fix version reported by “zenpacklib –version”. (ZPS-1145)
  • Template backups use YYYYMMDDHHMM format instead of unix timestamp.
  • Fix failure to back up customized templates during upgrade from pre-2.0 ZenPacks. (ZPS-1195)
  • Fix failure to back up customized templates during upgrade. (ZPS-1176)

Release 2.0.4


  • Fix for missing Dynamic View on some components (ZPS-703)
  • Fix for failure to create device classes in uncommon case (ZPS-1012)
  • Fix event class mappings with mismatched id and eventClassKey (ZPS-1016)

Release 2.0.3


  • Preserve ordering when loading multiple YAML files (ZPS-921)
  • Fix setting of zProperty values when loading multiple YAML files. (ZPS-925)

Release 2.0.2


  • Only create a monitoring template if it changes or does not exist (ZPS-570)
  • Ensure display of ZPL classes such as OSProcess in GUI elements (ZPS-572, ZPS-651)

Release 2.0.1


  • Ensure all datapoint attributes export to YAML (ZEN-26593)
  • Ensure subsquent installations complete if ZP install fails (ZPS-627)

Release 2.0.0


  • zenpacklib is now an installable ZenPack
  • Added Event Class definitions (ZEN-24903)
  • Support multiple YAML file loading
  • Support directory loading for YAML
  • Support log verbosity per ZenPack
  • Centralized, per-derived ZenPack logging
  • Improved template change detection during install
  • Improved type handling of yaml loaded/dumped data
  • Support centralized use of older monolithic
  • Added –optimize parameter to zenpacklib
  • Dramatically enhanced unit testing
  • Support for using enum proprty with datapoint properties (string/int mapping)
  • Ability to call /opt/zenoss/bin/zenpacklib
  • Added ZPLCommand to handle running zenpacklib with arguments
  • Separated classes into module files
  • Ability to use ZenPack-provided zenpacklib module
  • Added support for Process Class definitions
  • Deprecated support for python-based “yaml” specifications
  • Support for threshold graphpoint legend and color (ZEN-24904)
  • Ability to specify an initial sort column on a component grid
  • Performance enhancments for grid display of metrics (ZEN-23870)
  • Support for Device Link Providers
  • Added troubleshooting aid for easily saving function data(writeDataToFile)
  • Avoid setting zProperties on existing device class (ZPS-137)


  • Fix handling of boolean data source options (ZEN-25315)
  • Merge Detail View groups into ‘Overview’ group (ZEN-24759)
  • Ensure that component detail pane honors relation “details_display” (ZEN-24762)
  • Update ZenPackLib (ZP) Unit tests (ZEN-24599)
  • Ensure that subcomponent nav JS uses relationship label if provided (ZEN-24305)
  • Ensure ability to set label or a subclass on an inherited relationship (ZEN-24303)
  • Ensure inherited relationship name overrides displayed in details pane (ZEN-24302)
  • Ensure extra_paths is working (ZEN-24268)
  • Ensure that ‘extra_params’ get applied to template-related objects (ZEN-24083)
  • Improved handling of “custom columns exceed 750 pixels” warnings (ZEN-24022)
  • Avoid patching _relations on ZPL-derived subclasse (ZEN-24018)
  • Incorrect display of nested custom-named relations (ZEN-23995)
  • Fix missing relations (ZEN-23968)
  • Fix maximum recursion depth exceeded traceback in get_facets (ZEN-23840)
  • Allow specifying properties on an inherited relationship (ZEN-23763)
  • Zenpacklib logging more helpful and less scary (ZEN-23621)
  • Batch buildRelations() commits during ZenPack installs (ZEN-22655)
  • Support adding devtypes (ZEN-22366)
  • Improve ImportError logging in class files (ZEN-22927)
  • Ensure non-cached datapoints return current value (ZEN-22288)
  • Fix issue when setting datapoint_cached to False (ZEN-22287)
  • Set all component property details to correct Python type (ZEN-22057)
  • Honor relationship label containing component overrides in component (ZEN-21966)
  • Prevent attempts to process relationships not in class_relationships (ZEN-21927)
  • Ensure component display properties honored (ZEN-19798)
  • Support setting datapoint alias as string (ZEN-19486)
  • Check datapoint consistency in template graph points and thresholds (ZEN-19461)
  • Check/warn against reserved keyword use (ZEN-19460)
  • getRRDTemplateName can return label of base class (ZEN-19025)
  • Ensure catalog creation respects spec property indexes (ZEN-18269)
  • Ensure device classes can be removed properly (ZEN-18134)
  • Ensure that datapoint alias keys do not exceed 31 chars (ZEN-17950)
  • Log obscure error with ill-defined relationships (ZEN-16701)
  • Fix handling of !ZenPackSpec tag in yaml definitions

Version 1.1

Release 1.1.0


  • Add dynamicview_weight class field.
  • Add overridable getDynamicViewGroup method to generated classes.
  • Class icons beginning with / will be treated as absolute URL paths.
  • Improve performance of entity properties in component grids.
  • Simplify what device status means to critical event(s) in /Status.
  • Improve grid performance with streamlined info adapters
  • Add base class proxies for all platform component classes.


  • Fix tracebacks caused by property datapoint_cached. (ZEN-22287)
  • Fix ‘display’ property to honor initialized values. (ZEN-19798)
  • Fix wrong template displayed for subclassed component (ZEN-19025)
  • Fix inheritance for displayed relationship properties (ZEN-23763)
  • Fix traceback in get_facets (maximum recursion depth exceeded) (ZEN-23840)
  • Ensure that ‘extra_params’ get applied to template-related objects (ZEN-24083)
  • Fix for lost relationships on ZPL-derived subclasses (ZEN-24018)
  • Fix for extra_paths failures (ZEN-24268)
  • Fix to gracefully handle unknown relationship properties (ZEN-21927)
  • Ensure that inherited relationship names are used (ZEN-24302)
  • Ensure that inherited relationship names are displayed consistently (ZEN-24303)
  • Ensure that subcomponent nav JS uses relationship label if given (ZEN-24305)
  • Fix for setting of zProperty values before zProperty exists
  • Fix “unexpected keyword default” message
  • Fix support for extending platform component classes. (ZEN-25559)


  • Fix YAML reference for dynamicview_group class field.
  • Fix documentation of default value for dynamicview_views.
  • Document new component class proxies such as IpInterface and FileSystem.

Version 1.0

Release 1.0.13


  • Honor graph and graphpoint ordering in zenpack.yaml. (ZEN-23590)

Release 1.0.12


  • Fix tracebacks due to stale catalog entries. (ZEN-22592)
  • Fix hidden zenpacklib errors due to unitialized logging.
  • Prevent setting values on undefined zProperties.
  • Drastically reduce catalog creation time.


  • Add missing types to zProperty documentation.

Release 1.0.11


  • Only show Dynamic View for components that support it. (ZEN-22391)
  • Fix created to work with zenpacklib.TestCase. (ZEN-22387)

Release 1.0.10


  • Fix display of nested component container-of-container. (ZEN-21897)


  • Fix graphpoint lineType documentation.

Release 1.0.9


  • Fix non-containing setters with standard device types. (ZEN-21747)
  • Fix filtering of YAML templates in ZenPack export. (ZEN-21697)
  • Prevent backups of unchanged monitoring templates. (ZEN-21719)

Release 1.0.8


  • Fix various dump_templates issues. (ZEN-18824)

Release 1.0.7


  • Fix dynamicview_relations type issue.

Release 1.0.6


  • Make YAML-defined JMX data sources work. (ZEN-21467)

Release 1.0.5


  • Fix KeyError on install after adding device class. (ZEN-21461)

Release 1.0.4


  • TestCase: Automatically load ZenPack’s configure.zcml if it exists.
  • Default to checkbox renderer for boolean properties. (ZEN-19585)


  • TestCase: Fix transaction error without DynamicView or Impact installed.
  • Fix entity grid renderer to make it possible to click links into a new tab. (ZEN-19922)
  • Fix enum property type. (ZEN-20769)

Release 1.0.3


  • Fix testing of SNMP data sources by converting OIDs to string.
  • Fix for inherited relationships and properties not appearing in UI.

Release 1.0.2


  • Log YAML errors more concisely instead of full traceback. (ZEN-17681)
  • Fix “[Object]” details panel display for custom renderers. (ZEN-17732)
  • Fix handling of nested device class remove field.
  • Fix KeyError when removing non-existent device class.
  • Fix handling of datapoint rrdtype. (ZEN-18188)

Release 1.0.1


  • Add Class.extra_paths for controlling object path indexing.
  • Add Class.filter_hide_from option.


  • Fix handling of class _properties and _relationships.
  • Prefix ExtJS components to avoid conflicting zenpacklib versions.
  • Fix handling of Class property types.
  • Fix py_to_yaml for ZenPacks that subclass ZenPack.
  • Remove superfluous YAML type hints from py_to_yaml conversion.
  • Fix “Unable to find TEMPLATE_ID” installation error.
  • Base component status on events in /Status event class.
  • Fix removal of objects when PyYAML isn’t installed.

Release 1.0.0


  • Added ability to define ZenPack with YAML.
  • Added support for model classes and relationships.
  • Added support for zProperties.
  • Added support for device classes.
  • Added support for monitoring templates.
  • Added create command for creating ZenPacks from the command line.
  • Added lint command to check YAML for correctness.
  • Added class_diagram command to create yUML class diagram from YAML.
  • Added dump_templates command to export monitoring templates to YAML.
  • Added py_to_yaml command to convert old Python specs to YAML.
  • Added version command to print zenpacklib’s version.


  • Added first pass at documentation.