Nginx Status
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Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson
GNU General Public License, Version 2, or later
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Nginx Status ZenPack
Monitors the nginx Web server/proxy.
This ZenPack is developed by the Zenoss user community and supported via our online forums. Zenoss, Inc. does not provide direct support for this ZenPack.
Version 1.1- Download: Compatible with Zenoss Core 2.5.x, Zenoss Core 3.1.x, Zenoss Core 3.2.x, Zenoss Core 4.2.x
Nginx is a great little web server. I have posted previously about using it as a reverse proxy. Whether you're using it as a reverse proxy or as a normal web server you will probably eventually want to know what its doing over time so you can adjust resources as necessary.
The other day I threw together a ZenPack to make it easier to setup monitoring on new Zenoss instances. It contains a command data source “check_nginx_ng” which is a slightly modified version of Chris Kelly's check_nginx_ng which in turn was based on check_nginx by Mike Adolphs. So thanks to them for doing the majority of the work! If your interested you can pick it up over on GitHub.