Xen Virtual Hosts
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Applications Monitored
Xen Virtual Hosts ZenPack
The XenMonitor ZenPack allows you to monitor Xen para-virtualized domains with Zenoss. Note: This ZenPack is deprecated has been superseded by http://wiki.zenoss.org/ZenPack:XenServer
This ZenPack is part of Zenoss Core. Open Source users receive community support for this ZenPack via our online forums. Enterprise support for this ZenPack is provided to Zenoss customers with an active subscription.
The ZenPacks.zenoss.XenMonitor ZenPack monitors Xen para-virtualized domains.
With this ZenPack, the zenmodeler can discover guests running on Xen hosts, and Zenoss platform includes screens and templates for collecting and displaying resources allocated to guests.
Prerequisite | Restriction |
Product | Zenoss platform 4.x |
Required ZenPacks | ZenPacks.zenoss.XenMonitor ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenossVirtualHostMonitor |
Model Hosts and Guest
For each Xen server, follow this procedure:
- Optionally, place an SSH key to your Xen server to allow the zenoss user from the Zenoss platform server to log in as root without requiring further credentials.
- Create the Xen server in the /Servers/Virtual Hosts/Xen device class. Warning: If you have this server modeled already, remove the server and recreate it under the Xen device class. Do not move it.
- Select the Guest menu and ensure that the guest hosts were found during the modeling process.
Type | Name |
Modeler | zenmodeler |
Performance Collector | zencommand |
Monitoring with sudo
To configure sudo in order to run the xm on the Virtual Machine Host, you will need to modify a few things.
- Modify the zCommandPath zProperty to be blank, otherwise this path will be pre-pended to the sudo command.
- Modify the zCommandUsername and zCommandPassword configuration properties to be a non-root user with sudo access to the xm command.
- Modify the Xen.py modeler to add the sudo command. The modeler can be found under the $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenossVirtualHostMonitor directory, under the modeler/plugins directory.
- Modify the performance templates.
- Navigate to the /Devices/Server/Virtual Machine Host/Xen device class
- From the device class click on the Templates tab
- Click on the VirtualMachine performance template
- In the Data Sources table, click on the resources Data Source
- Edit the command template to add the sudo command to the beginning of the xm command