This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Commercial
ZenPacks are available to Zenoss commercial customers only.
Contact your Zenoss representative or
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Zenoss Inc.
A web transaction is an interaction, of one or multiple steps,
between a web browser and a server. One common example of a web transaction
is submitting login credentials and validating that the expected page is
displayed after login.
What this ZenPack delivers:
Use an actual web browser to perform web transactions
Perform simple static, scripted transaction testing of web
Perform web transaction testing from a Zenoss collector or Selenium
Grid instance
Web transaction testing results with:
Metric for time taken to perform the full transaction
Events for failed web page element location and validation of
web page element values and/or attribute values
What this ZenPack does not intend to be:
Multiple location web transaction testing platform
Multiple browser web transaction testing platform
A complex web transaction tester
A mechanism to extract datapoint values from web pages
This table lists the Zenpack dependencies.
Zenoss Cloud, or Zenoss Resource Manager 6.2.1 or higher
Zenoss Serviced Dynamics (on-premises) users should be aware that Docker
images will also need to be installed with this ZenPack. Installation media
can be found at / ZenPacks
/ 6x-zenpacks / WebTransactions
Selenium Image Installation
Install the images on the ControlCenter Master by running the image run
Where 'XX.YY'' in the file name represents the version of the
Selenium/Browser contained in the image. These image run commands provide
the following images:
To manually check on the software versions contained in the image.
docker run --rm zenoss/selenium-hub:latest sudo /opt/selenium/selenium-server.jar hub --versiondocker run --rm zenoss/selenium-node-chrome:latest /usr/bin/google-chrome --version
Upgrade Selenium service definitions
To update an existing 'Zenpacks.zenoss.PS.WebTransaction' installation, ensure to first
call the newer image run commands on the ControlCenter Master. This will update the images in the
Docker repository. Then extract and run the serviced update scripts to update the collector's Selenium
unzip -p ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.WebTransactions-VERSION-py2.7.egg ZenPacks/zenoss/PS/WebTransactions/migrate/upgradeSeleniumGridHub_ServiceDefinition.txt > upgrade.txtsudo serviced script run --service localhost/SeleniumGridHub upgrade.txtunzip -p ZenPacks.zenoss.PS.WebTransactions-VERSION-py2.7.egg ZenPacks/zenoss/PS/WebTransactions/migrate/upgradeSeleniumGridNodeChrome_ServiceDefinition.txt > upgrade.txtsudo serviced script run --service localhost/SeleniumGridNodeChrome upgrade.txtsudo serviced service restart localhost/SeleniumGridHubsudo serviced service restart localhost/SeleniumGridNodeChrome
The above example is updating the localhost collector Selenium
services. This will need to be done for any additional collectors.
The goal of this ZenPack is to provide a method to perform a known,
defined test against web applications in order to validate and monitor
their health and performance. Defined web transaction tests are
encapsulated as recipies for easy re-use. These recipes are selectable
and configured from the "web transaction" data source.
This ZenPack delivers web transaction monitoring using Selenium Grid.
"Selenium Grid allows the execution of WebDriver scripts on remote
machines by routing commands sent by the client to remote browser
instances" (Source: By using
Selenium, web transactions are run through an actual web browser. This
ZenPack currently makes exclusive use of the Chromium browser.
Data source recipes
HTTP - Get - Perform a simple HTTP Get request and optional
content verification.
Login - Basic Auth - Perform a simple Basic Auth test and
optional content verification.
Login - Form - Perform authentication by submitting login
credentials via a web form. This is achieved by providing the form
elements locator information and data to submit in the recipe
Custom - Not a specific recipe, allows you to use python and Web
Transaction methods to define a customized web transaction test.
Web transaction success validation
To validate the success of a web transaction, use the data source recipe
verify fields. All web transaction recipes have the same four
verification fields: "Verify Element", "Verify Text Value", "Verify
Element Attribute", "Verify Element Attr Value". An element is a part
of a web page, which can be seen by looking at the web page source. The
Verify Element value can be an HTML tag name, tag 'id' attribute value,
HTML DOM XPath, or tag class value. If content validation is desired,
the "Verify Element" will be a required field while the remaining
verify fields are not all required.
Web transaction recipes that interact with an element (e.g., filling an
input box, clicking) follow the same logic as "Verify Element".
Recipe fields that define a "Value" to be verified, can also use
configuration property fields including custom properties
(e.g. ${here/cWebTransactionPassword}).
This is especially useful for password type values or re-use of
monitoring templates by not hard-coding values into the template.
Transaction validation does not include SSL certificate
validation. All certificate errors are ignored.
Custom recipe
When there is not a recipe that fits the testing need, there is the
"Custom" recipe option. A custom recipe consists of a Python script
that invokes the "special" methods. These methods are special in that
they combine and/or enhance the basic capability provided by the
selenium-python driver.
Before any custom recipe script is performed, the maximum wait time for
a web page to load is set to the "zPageLoadTimeout" value and
a driver.get() is performed on the URL defined in the data source
configuration. The defined custom recipe actions are then performed.
ZenPack provided methods:
findElement - Find the first matching element in the HTML
Document Object Model (DOM).
Search by tag name, tag 'id' attribute value, XPath, tag class.
Timeout to find element, defined in the "zFindElementTimeout"
property (default value is 10). Elements can be interacted with in
a number of ways; click(), send_keys(), etc.
verifyElement - uses "findElement" and then verifies one or
both of element's text or attribute values. Some element values do
change dynamically after initial page load and this method will wait
to match the desired result. Timeout to match an element's value is
defined in the "zVerifyElementValueTimeout" property (default is
10 seconds).
clickElement - uses "findElement" and then waits until the
element is clickable. The click wait re-uses the timeout defined in
the "zFindElementTimeout" property.
Exposed Selenium-python Objects/Methods:
driver - Selenium web driver. The above methods should provide
all the functionality required for a web transaction test. But if
they do not, the Selenium Python web driver is exposed here. Usage
and its methods are outside the scope of this document but can be
found at
XPath, also known as XML Path, is one of the most commonly
used locators provided by the Selenium WebDriver that can help you
navigate through the HTML structure of a page. It can be used for HTML
and XML documents to locate any element in a web page using the HTML DOM
structure. How to use or define an XPath to locate an element is beyond
the scope of this document.
The examples provided are snippets to highlight the use of the web
transaction methods in a custom recipe. They should not be seen as
best-practice examples.
Web Login Form example
This example is what the "Login - Form" recipe would be as a Custom
"username", "passwrd", & "loginButton" are the 'id' attribute
values for HTML "INPUT" tags. Refer to the "findElement" info above
for more info on what is used to locate web page elements.
"TITLE" is the HTML tag to be found and then verified that
its text value is 'Logged In'. The "verifyElement" method can take
up to four parameters; ElementToFind, verifyText, verifyAttr,
and verifyAttrVal. The verify parameters are optional but at least
one needs to be defined.
# Verify the Element's Text value:# e.g., <TITLE>Logged In</TITLE>verifyElement('TITLE',verifyText='Logged In')# Verify an Element's attribute value# e.g., <DIV id="header" description="Tuna Harvest Table">Charlie Tuna</DIV>verifyElement('DIV',verifyAttr='description',verifyAttrVal='Tuna Harvest Table')# Verify both the Element's Text & Attribute values# e.g., <TABLE><TR id="firstRow"><TD id="exTarget" descr="Apples">Applesauce</TD>....verifyElement('exTarget',verifyText='Applesauce',verifyAttr='descr',verifyAttrVal='Apples')
Conditional action/verify example
nfStatus=findElement('//div[@class="down-notification-content"]/h2')ifnfStatus.get_attribute('textContent')=='Service is up!':findElement('//a[text()="sign in"]').click()verifyElement('//h1[@data-uia="login-page-title"]',verifyText='Sign In')
A multistep transaction script could be considered to be a "complex" test,
which this ZenPack does not aspire to deliver or support. This example
is more of an interesting case to test and push the limits of what is
Troubleshooting / debugging transactions
The Transaction error event's summary will provide the title of the
page where the issue occurred. Error events also have a field
(webTransactionUrl), containing the URL the error occurred on.
When an error is encountered, a screenshot of the browser will be taken.
This is done to allow for basic debugging . The screenshot can be found
in the zenpython container that tested the transaction, under the
/tmp directory.
For more advance debugging of web transaction scripts or recipes, it is
recommended to spin up a dedicated debug Selenium Grid instance. Then
set its address in the data source's "Command Executor" configuration
parameter or as the device's "zSeleniumGridCmdExecutor" property.
Using a dedicated Selenium Grid instance allows for a variety of
different debug options, e.g., connecting to the Node's VNC port and
watching the web transaction play out in the browser. For more
information, refer to Selenium's website.
Selenium Grid transaction execution
This ZenPack bundles Selenium Grid and Chromium node services that run
at the collector level. Web transactions can also be run from external
Selenium Grid instances using the "zSeleniumGridCmdExecutor"
zProperty. Its default value being the Zenoss Collector Selenium Grid
The "SeleniumGridNodeChrome" service is configured via its service
environment variables. To modify any of them, use this command
serviced service edit SeleniumGridNodeChrome and update the
"Environment" section. The Zenoss Selenium node's default values are:
Only the values of the SE_NODE_MAX_SESSSIONS,
environment variables should be changed. All other variables should
retain the values configured by Zenoss.
Option details:
"" - to prevent
container error messages
of [SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)
"SE_NODE_MAX_SESSIONS=2" - maximum transaction sessions that can
run concurrently
"SE_NODE_SESSION_TIMEOUT=30" - maximum time a transaction may run.
zProperty timeouts should not be greater than this value. This is the
hard limit for how long a web transaction test may take to complete.
"SE_DRAIN_AFTER_SESSION_COUNT=100" - Shut down the Node after
'100' tests have been executed.
SVC-3665: Minor fixes and performance enhancements. Streamline Selenium
& Browser Node image build process for version updates.
Fix: Do not override Datasource configured event severity for
WebTransactionRecipeFailure exceptions.
Added WebTransactionRecipeFailure. Distinction between
SeleniumGridFailure exceptions. SeleniumGridFailure event
severity level are hardcoded to 'ERROR'.
New: added 'total transaction time' text to all event messages.
New: 'Stale Element' handling when verifying element text values.
SVC-3509 RecipieCard field values evaluated for TALES expressions
Added simple debug logic, take a browser screenshot when encountering
transaction error